For those of you who may have been wondering where I have been the last few days I was admitted back into the hospital on Monday, March 17 (yep, St. Patty's Day) when my mom and dad noticed something was wrong. During the mother-baby follow up appointment my temperature was down to 95.5! They immediately ordered a blood test and we found that my white cell counts were really low. I was admitted immediately and had to go through a battery of tests that first night: a lumbar puncture (fancy name for spinal tap) to test for meningitis (NEGATIVE!), urine analysis (found infections) and blood cultures (ALL NEGATIVE). The doctors wanted me to stay for 48-72 hours to make sure I was okay. After all the tests came back negative (including a later urine test) they decided to do a renal ultrasound of my kidneys. During the review of the ultrasound they found out that I had "hydronephritis", which is basically an inflammation of the kidney where water (urine) pools due to poor flow to the bladder. It can be caused mainly by either urine being blocked on the way to the bladder (more common in icky boys) or by reflux where the urine goes back up to the kidney. I most likely have this and it is then called "pyelonephritis". It is all doctor talk to me, but my mom and dad were really worried.
The doctors have said I need to be in the hospital for 10 days of treatment with antibiotics, which means I will be in the hospital until March 27 at least. Once I am discharged I will then need to go to Doernbecher Children's Hospital to have a VCUG. The doctors will place a catheter in me and pump dye into my bladder. Then with a big, fancy scanner they will look to see how the dye flows to check the severity of the problem.
We don't know what the long-term prognosis is, but it could be as small as needing continual antibiotics for the next few years until I grow into my ureters (the place where urine flows between the kidney and the bladder) since they are a bit over sized right now. I may need surgery down the road to correct the problem, but lets hope not!!
Mom and dad have been great....especially mommy! She has spent EVERY night at the hospital with me (dad spent the first 4 nights there with me too) and barely gets out. She makes sure I eat every 3 hours and then has to do stuff to get ready for the next feeding. Dad changes a lot of diapers, feeds me my bottle supplement of formula, holds me, reads me the paper and talks to me about sports. I really like spending this time with them, but I can't wait to be home. The nurses here have been great and they fight to see who gets to take care of me when their shift starts. They have been very nice to mom and dad as well! I have also had some very nice visitors as Grammy Pat has spent a ton of time with me and Grandpa Randy has come by as well. I got to meet my Aunt Dian and cousing Katie as well. My parents' friends Shawna and John also stopped by to see me and bring lunch; mom's friend from work, Joy, also stopped by one night and brought Thai food.
Thank you to everyone who has been thinking about us, praying for us and sending good thoughts and vibes our way! Even though mom and dad can't reply to everyone, they want everyone to know that every text, voicemail and email is VERY MUCH appreciated and have helped them cope with seeing me in the hospital. They continually tell me how blessed we are as a family.....and I agree.
Happy Easter!