Saturday, March 15, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

It is very apparent that my friends and family want to hear and see more about me. My name is Madelyn Patrice Fox and I just came into this world on March 12 at 9:06 am to meet my parents, Megan and Tony. I am so happy to be here and can't wait to see you all real soon.

In the mean time, I hope you come back from time to time to check out the latest on everything I have been up to and checking my progress. Mommy and Daddy will make sure to post some pictures and interpret my coos, ga-ga's and other baby talk as I have yet to learn how to exactly use my hands in order to work the computer.

I hope that you enjoy my new blog and that I get to see you real soon! I am so happy to be here and I know Mommy and Daddy appreciate everyone's love and support!

- Maddie

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