I am one month old today! The weather cooperated nicely for today and it was sunny and over 80 degrees. Mommy, Daddy and I took a walk along the Springwater corridor trail. It was the same place where Mommy and Daddy walked one week before I was born. This time they had to push a stoller and it went much slower. Then after the walk Aunt Dian, Chuck, and the boys came to visit and we went out to dinner. My first official dinner out in a restaurant and it was Red Robin. (Aunt Dian--please send pics of dinner so we can share on the blog). We got a balloon from the restaurant and tied it to my carseat....unfortunately it flew out the sun roof on the drive home. Whoops!
We have some updates on my medical issues, but not the whole story yet. The good news is that I am growing well. I saw the doctor on 4/4/08 for my check up and I was 7 lbs 11 oz. Then today at my check up I was 8 lbs 2 oz. This means that I have graduated to size one diapers. The other good news is that becuase the kidney x-rays looked good, that the doctor is no longer worried and I got to stop taking my antibiotic. I will have a kidney ultrasound when I am three months just to follow up and make sure everything is still normal.
The not so good news is that my metabolic re-tests came back abnormal. This means that I am for sure a carrier for the VLCAD (very long chain fatty acid deficiency.) I have to undergo more testing to see which type of disorder I have the genes for. This will be done as a skin biopsy. Mommy and Daddy have lots of questions to ask the specialist when we see him/her. The pediatrician can't answer a lot of the questions because this disorder is so rare that she has never treated a child for it before. Right now I feel fine, I just have to eat frequent meals to make sure I don't get low blood sugar. That means Mommy and Daddy have to get up lots of times during the night.
Phew! So much has happened in one short month!
Wow! Look at those cheeks, Chunky Monkey! Looks like you are eating pretty good there, little one. You are such a doll baby and I'm sure your mommy and daddy are having fun showing you off!
We sure love being able to see these pictures of you, so tell your parents to keep 'em coming.
This grandma and grandpa are keeping you in their prayers and hope the tests you have coming up will have good results and that whatever it is form of this disorder you have can be easily managed.
We love you and your mommy and daddy so much and can't wait to see you all! Hope it won't be too much longer.
Be a good girl and tell mommy and daddy "hi" for us!
Love you bunches, baby girl!!!
Gma Jan and Gpa Ray
wow, what a month!! I am glad to hear that you are off of the antibiotics and I pray that your biopsy goes well. I will try to get up real soon so I can hug and kiss you bunches. I love you and your mommy and daddy very much!!!
love, auntie shannon
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