Tuesday, May 26, 2009

water baby

We hope everyone had a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend!!! We had an awesome 3-day weekend. On Saturday we enjoyed our first round of par 3 golf as a family. Maddie walked the holes with Grammy, stopping to hit balls with her clubs, and play in the sand traps. On Sunday we enjoyed a fabulous day at the Oregon Coast (Lincoln City), and on Monday we hosted a backyard BBQ for some of our friends. The weather was perfect and we enjoyed it to the fullest!

Here are some photos from our beach trip. Maddie started out by playing with her toys in the sand and watching the kites, until she realized there was water. She beelined for the waves and had no fear about getting wet. She and I jumped waves while Tony took pictures (the water was too cold for him) . After each wave I walked her back toward shore to see if she had enough, and she kept pulling me back to the water. It was an awesome moment for us as parents to see her sheer joy and innocence as she played in the waves for the first time.
Maddie played hard and took a good nap in her stroller while we relaxed on a blanket. Tony wanted to rest his eyes while Maddie napped, so to be safe, he tied the tether strap from the stroller to his ankle...I laughed at him, thinking it was such a boy/McGuyver move. Then we left the beach and found place called Regatta Park with the coolest play structure ever!! For those of you who have kids you have to check it out. It was huge wooden play structure with many slides, a tightrope, a xylophone, bouncy bridges, monkey bars, swings. We played there for another hour and a half before we had to eat dinner and head for home. What a fun day!

Maddie crawled a lot in the sand. She found it easier than walking.

I had to hold her back!

She got soaked and she loved it! It was only about 64 degrees but she didn't care. She would have liked to play in the water for longer, but we eventually felt like she needed to dry off and warm up.

"Can we go again....pretty please?"

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Oh my gosh...you have a little mermaid. How fun to see her RUNNING into the water! We'll have to check out the park for sure.