Happy Birthday Tony!!!
So, as awesome as Saturday was, Sunday was that terrible. Tony was working on his honey-do list and he went up to look at our broken attic fan. He was looking up and following the wires and not necessarily looking where he was walking. He slipped and stepped in a spot that was not reinforced. His entire right leg went through the insulation and plaster, and through the ceiling in the hallway. Maddie and I heard the crash and saw all the debris fall (along with his shoe) into the house. I went running up to the attic and he was bleeding all down his leg. Luckily he was able to hobble down the stairs. He was in a lot of pain and had a large gash on his knee, so I rushed him to the emergency room. After 3 sets of xrays to rule out a possible fracture, we are happy to report that he has no broken bones. He did, however, need 4 stitches to close up the leg wound. It was super scary, but we are lucky that it was not worse.

Maybe next year's birthday weekend won't be quite so eventful! Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes, cards, calls, texts, emails, gifts, FB messages and to everyone who came and celebrated with us!
Oh man...the Corona box just tops the cake! I'm glad he's okay. I'm sure a trip to the ER is a wonderful experience with an active 16 month old!
OH MY GOSH.....I am so happy to hear that you are ok. Did we foret to tell Megan that you are accident prone?....OOPS. At least it wasn't more stiches to the face/head and/or a dislocated elbow....again.
Love you all,
I am so sorry about your BIG booboo. Hopefully it will heal soon! I am glad you had a great birthday, though. We had a wonderful time, thanks for sharing!
Hi Maddie,
I had so much fun helping you and your mom celebrate your dad's birthday. I had fun playing in the "house" out in the back yard with your friends. I guess he scooped all of us with his little boo boo the next day. Hopefully you inherited your accident proneness from your mom :) We are glad he is ok and I am sure you have been giving him lots of kisses to make it better. I think we are going to see you this week end so we are very excited about that and with having you stay over night soon.
Love, Grandpa Randy
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