As some of you have kindly noted, it has been a while since we have updated our family blog. Here are some highlights for the month of December. It doesn't include Christmas which will be its own post. Please feel free to leave comments to let us know you like reading our blog!
December brought two HUGE events in Maddie's development.
1) Maddie peed on the toilet for the first time ever on 12/6/09!!!!!! She has been pretty successful with peeing about once a day, but she has not gone #2 yet. She loves her rewards: using the toilet paper, and getting a smartie candy treat. We are asking her daily if she wants to use the potty, but not forcing the issue yet.

2) She began sleeping in a big girl bed on 12/14/09. She fell out twice, but otherwise she has done great and she goes down without a fight. No more crib tent. She sleeps with all 6 of her baby dolls and she gets up in the morning, comes down the hallway to our room and snuggles with us for a few seconds before she is rearing to start the day!

The first week of December was the Civil War. Maddie stayed at Mimi and Papa Ray's while we enjoyed the Ducks' sweet victory!

Maddie loves taking a bath at Mimi's house.

We enjoyed some shopping on our way down to Eugene and got a nice family pic at woodburn outlet mall

Maddie was not too happy about sitting on Santa's lap

We also waited over 20 minutes to sit on Clifford's lap and she didn't like that either.

Our friends Becca and Jack came from Bend to visit us. We decorated gingerbread men. Maddie's first holiday cookie ever!

She got good at the decorating...and the eating!! She has a little sweet tooth!

JSam came to visit us. That is how Maddie refers to them one entity.

Tony and I got to go out to a holiday party...and we didn't get home until midnight!

Maddie had her first candy cane ever at the tree lot. She loved it and it made a mess of her gloves and her face!

Family pic at the L'Arche tree lot. Unfortunately we never found a time to help sell trees. Maybe next year if nap time has changed.
Maddie loved helping decorate the tree. She learned to say "tree" and "lights" and she would jump out of bed every morning and want the lights on. Our first ornament to go on the tree is always Peanut's star.

Tony took a couple of vacation days right before Christmas. One of the days we spent at the Children's museum. It was great for him to get to see Maddie in her element. I graciously allowed him to help her with the face painting exhibit!
On the 23rd we packed up and went to Eugene. We had a gift certificate for a free night at the downtown Hilton. We had a ridiculously HUGE room with an adjoining conference room. Again Mimi and Papa Ray watched Maddie and we enjoyed a night on the town.
Then our busy Christmas season began......stay tuned for more!!!