Here is a re-cap of our busy Holiday Season. We enjoyed seeing everyone and celebrating! Maddie was a great age for Christmas this year. She understood opening the gifts and playing with her new toys. She was, of course,
thoroughly spoiled by all!
We started off with an early celebration when Auntie "Auntnie" Dian and Katie were in town. Maddie scored some healthy food options and a new coat & backpack.

Little did Dian know that all that food would go great in the new kitchen from
Grandma Connie! Maddie loves her new kitchen, and some day far into the future when she is a parent, she will understand Tony's love for her, and the 3 hours that it took to assemble the kitchen! She learned how to say "
openthis" and she doesn't exactly like to wait.
This is on the 23rd at Mimi & Papa Ray's house. Maddie got a new baby doll and homemade pillow and blanket!

Here is the best of 6 different shots of Maddie and her second cousins on Tony's side. Ryan and Jen hosted a Fox family get-together on Christmas eve. It was a lot of fun and good food too!
This is my favorite picture of Maddie on Christmas Day. She is playing with her new train set from Justin and Sam, while simultaneously doing her hair with a new brush and accessory set. Christmas day was spent at home in jammies (as it should be). We were tired from a long drive home from Eugene on Christmas eve after church. It was just Tony, me, Maddie and Grammy. We started with stockings (Maddie's favorite item in her stocking was an Elmo toothbrush!). We then had breakfast and opened the rest of our gifts. Everyone but me took a noontime nap, and I went for a run. It was a gorgeous, sunny day (albeit crisp) and nobody was out on the roads in our neighborhood. This was my first run ever as an adult and kick-started my training for a 10K in April.

Maddie and Grammy

Papa Randy came over on the 27
th with an awesome new dollhouse and a baby that can go in the bath with Maddie.

He also commissioned an artist friend of his to do a drawing of the three of us based on some photographs. It is a very neat piece of work!

On the 30
th we went to Chuck and
JoDee's for a celebration with the
Willett/Killian family. It was fun a fun event, but we were sorry that
Opa and
Oma weren't able to make it. We tried a new tradition this year...a white elephant exchange. In a weird twist of gift stealing and swapping I ended up bringing home my own gift. Oh well, better luck next year!
In early January, Dian's daughter, Kelly drove up from California, so we met her in
Roseburg and got to see Papa Ike, Grandma Linda, Aunt Shannon and Morgan as well. Unfortunately Tony wasn't able to take time off, so he joined the gift exchange with us virtually.

Papa Ike and Grandma Linda opening their monogrammed golf ball markers....a practical gift!
Hi Maddie,
Happy New Year. Loved all of the Christmas pictures your mom posted. I am looking forward to seeing you soon so I can catch up on all of the new words you have learned. How is the potty training coming? I have some cute pictures of you "practicing" which just shows you can be cute doing anything - even though I have grandpa bias. Maybe you can cook me up something in your kitchen. Hugs and kisses, Grandpa Randy
Happy Christmas kid.
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