Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
Today was Maddie's one year check up at the doctor. It was funny because the nurse commented how cute it was that we were all wearing green....then you could see it dawn on her why. She had forgotten about St. Paddy's day, but we were nice and did not pinch her.One year ago today was a horrible day....at age 5 days Maddie was re-admitted to the hospital and we stood by while they did awful invasive tests to diagnose her bladder/kidney infection. So it was a little bittersweet to have to go to the doctor today. But, of course one year later Maddie is healthy and thriving!!!!
Here are Maddie's latest stats from the doctor:
Height: 30.75 inches (92nd%)
Weight: 22 lbs 4.5 oz (70th%)
Head Circumference: 19.02 inches (99th%)
Okay...that last picture is pure awesomeness! Great job at the doctor. I was just thinking about Maddie and how tough she's proven to be throughout the last year. You two deserve much credit for how fabulous she's doing. Be very proud of yourselves!
Hi Maddie,
It has already been more than week since you came over for you play night at our house while your mom and dad went on a much deserved date night to Cinetopia.
You were such a good a little girl. You still love climbing up the stairs and you think our cat Milo is the best thing ever. You like to give him hugs and follow him around. He is also curious about you so he does not run away.
You ate so well for us that may have been the highlight of the evening. Robyn made you spaghetti and you kept asking for more. You are a pro at eating spaghetti, a real natural paisano. You will be eating at Gino's before you know it. Mom said the throwing your food trick from the last time I fed you has passed. That is great because we want you to grow big and strong.
You slept really well during your visit and you let me read to you before you went to bed. Robyn and I were able to attend to all of your needs and we had sooo much fun so we are hoping that your mom and dad go on many more date nights so you can come visit us again.
We love you Maddie,
Grandpa Randy, Robyn and Jackson
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