Can you guess who was on bedtime duty this evening?? Daddy just wanted the world to see that I do in fact have enough hair to make a mohawk.
I also like to put things in and out of buckets, bins, drawers, etc. I am working really hard on lining up my shapes to fit through the correct shape hole on the lid.
Here is a list of words I can say: mama, dada, no-no, yeah, yay, all done, baby, dog, uh oh
Here is a list of words I can sign: dog, all done, more, milk
Here are games I will initiate: peek-a-boo, patty cake, so big, high 5, blow kisses, kiss on the mouth
Today at lunch I fed myself sweet potatos with a spoon! My next big tasks will be switching to whole milk and using a cup instead of a bottle. I think I might have another tooth coming too, because I feel the urge to bite a lot. I bite whatever is toys, mommy's leg, whatever.
I am also getting really excited for my big ONE YEAR OLD birthday!!!!!! I may have even already opened a few presents. Shh. Don't tell!
i cannot believe she is going to be 1!!!!! where did this year go?!
Can't wait to see you tomorrow Maddie! Your 1st Birthday party, YEAH!!!
Whoa, are you sure you're only 1. You're accomplishments make you seem much older! See you soon!
We had fun seeing you guys at Maddie's party on Saturday! Happy 1st Birthday Maddie!!!!!! love, melissa, michael, emma & jake
I am excited to see you guys soon. It has been too long. I know Leilani would love to see Maddie! We are planning on coming on the 28th! Sounds like Maddie already had a birthday party? How did that go?? I bet it was so much fun. We are having one on Saturday...hope to see you soon!
I can not believe it has been a year since I witnessed you coming into this world. I looked back through your blog this morning and it has been quite a journey.
I am very sorry I missed your party but I didn't want to pass on my cold to you or anybody at your party. I will hopefully get to see you really soon.
I love you very much....tell your mommy and daddy hi and I love them, too.
Auntie Shannon
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