Checking out the view of the Columbia on our way to the top.
This is to our right from the picture just before this one. Notice the people hanging out at the edge. We had to do a little rock climbing up about a 10-foot wall to get up on top here. Maddie was pefectly safe the entire time!e
I started the trip off with Maddie and then Megan took a turn and carried her to the top. Here we are preparing for our return trip down the trail. Maddie is fully equipped with grapes in hand, while I have the snot rag and sweatshirt utility belt working.
They must have worked as Maddie finally gave in to her tiredness and fell asleep in the pack.
On Sunday we took advantage of the sun again, but in different ways. Maddie decided to take a 3-hour morning nap, so I did homework while Megan went to Jazzercise and ran a couple of errands. When Megan got back I went to the golf course to play 18 holes. Unfortunately everyone in SE Portland was out playing golf today too, so I decided to call it quits after 9 holes and 3 hours of golf!!
We had marinated some chicken and ribs, so I BBQ'd while Megan made the rest of dinner. Maddie decided she wanted mud pie for dinner and played in one of our pots that decided not to sprout tulips this year. She is using her Easter present from Grammy Pat here and getting her newly bought (yesterday!!) shirt dirty.
Oh my gosh! I must get Aoife into the mud. Once again, so proud that you don't care if your baby gets dirty!
Angel's Rest is my all time favorite Gorge Hike!
How adorable. Wonder where she gets the dirty streak from?
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