"Easter Bunny" filled my old basket with 4 plastic eggs that were super glued together, filled with rice and beans so they would shake and make noise. That's it. No candy, no toys, no clothes. 99 cents spent.
Her grandparents and Aunties, on the other hand, made the Easter Bunny look bad! She got tons of outfits, books, gardening tools & seeds to plant, stuffed animals, and toys! Oh my!
We went to Eugene for Easter weekend. It was Katie's 10th birthday! Also, we got to celebrate Maddie's birthday with some family members who didn't make it to her party in Portland.
Easter morning Maddie went on a hunt for her eggs.
Egg shakers!!
Grandma Jan hosted us for the weekend and we had a lot of fun hanging out and playing cards (and eating!!) Tony and I had the opportunity for a date night in Eugene, but we were too tired to even take advantage. How sad. On Sunday we went to church at Grace. We dressed up all in our pretty outfits but somehow we don't have any pictures of that. Maybe somebody will send us one!
Today is Uncle J's birthday...Happy Birthday!! We chatted with him via web camera on SKYPE. So, for any of you you have the capability and would like to chat, let us know.
Hope everyone had a very Happy Easter!!
nothing like the grandparents spoiling the babes! ;)
we're skypin over here! look me up!
She's looking so cute. I love the ringlets! Ya know, looking at the video it appears that Maddie is being hounded by paparazzi!
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