Of course Maddie and I went to the park on Tuesday when it was GLORIOUS outside! There is a new park about a 15 minute walk, so I get a little exercise and Maddie gets to play. She wore her first skirt of the season...which led to her first skinned knee ever! Poor thing, I guess that is to be expected. She loved playing with the other kids that showed up. One boy (older) taught her how to walk up the slide the wrong way. She was determined to master it even though it was very steep. She also worked on her running. She kept running toward the street, and she thought it was a great game that I would chase her and bring her back to the playground. She also chased animals.

This picture is of her doing her own version of "dog" in sign language. The sign for dog is patting your leg like you are calling a dog. Maddie pats her chest. She also pats her chest when she sees any furry animal...not too much distinction between dogs and cats right now.

Look closely...she is chasing a squirrel on the fence post!
We were at the park a long time and I was sure she was going to collapse in the stroller and fall asleep on the way home. Nope. Nor did she ever take an afternoon nap that day....or the next day. Please, please, I am not ready for her to drop the afternoon nap yet. I need it to re-group after the day's activities and start dinner for Daddy!
I have NEVER know a one year old to not require a nap - I think your afternoons will resume to normal soon!
I love her sign language! Can't wait to see you all soon.
Hi Maddie,
I hope you enjoyed all of you Easter baskets and new toys and clothes. I like the picture of you and your daddy mowing the lawn. When can you come mow with me??? We hope to have you over soon so we can share your love for spaghetti.
See you soon,
Grandpa Randy
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