I hope everyone is having a good 3-day weekend. Our thoughts go out to anyone who had a family member (or still does) who served in the Armed Forces. Daddy has been thinking about his Grandpa's this weekend he says.
Our week has been pretty good. I mellowed out in the middle of the week and have had a few really good days in a row. I have been in a really good mood and have been sleeping very well. Mommy and Daddy are so happy about it! I think the medicine is making me feel better!
We have had a really nice weekend so far. Our good friends Melissa and Michael came up with their two children, Emma and Jacob, to hang out, have dinner and play. I can't wait until I am old enough to run around with them! The 'rents (that's short for parents in case you didn't know) started talking about taking a family Hawaii trip together in a couple of years....I voted yes for that.
Emma holding me...
Melissa, me, Emma, Michael and Mommy
Tonight we were surprised by Grammy's cousin Kelly. He, his wife and their daughter - get this, Madi (same pronunciation, spelled differently) - were driving through town and asked if we wanted to get together for dinner. So we jumped in the car and had a really nice dinner with them out at Edgefield. It was nice to meet them and I was on my best behavior. Daddy did lots of magic tricks for Madi, but she still wouldn't sit on his lap. That's fine with me, after all he is my daddy!!!
Madi and Maddie...
M&D are packing up tonight as we are taking off for Seattle tomorrow. Daddy is working all week up there and Mommy and I are going with him. We are going to see some of Mommy's family tomorrow afternoon. Then on Tuesday while Daddy is working Mommy and I are going to hang out before we all go to a baseball game at night. The Mariners are playing the Red Sox and we are going to go catch the action. This will be my first baseball game and Daddy says it will get me ready for my first Cubs game this summer when we go to Chicago. M&D are hoping this trip goes better than the one in Corvallis a couple of weeks ago when I didn't like being in the hotel.
No news on the medical front. We are just waiting to hear on the results of my skin biopsy, but we don't really expect to hear anything for another month or so. I have been eating very well, though, and have started to have more alert periods where I am not fussing too much. I just wish the weather would get better so I could spend more time outside.
Sometimes I like to sleep holding something....in this case Daddy's hand...poor Daddy, he spent 15 minutes on his knees making sure I was asleep!

And sometimes I like to sleep in the weirdest positions!
I hope everyone has a good rest of their weekend! Love you all!