This weekend was a weekend of firsts for me (and some for Mommy and Daddy too). On Friday, Mommy and Daddy took me down to Corvallis to spend the night with Grammy Pat. This was the first night that Mommy and I have been separated since I have been born. She and Daddy had a trip planned to Spirit Mountain as a result of purchasing the night through an auction to support ALS of Oregon last year (Mommy's Aunt Theresa passed away from ALS just after I was born). So on the way to Spirit Mountain they dropped me off with Grammy and she and I had a great time playing together and hanging out even though it was SO hot! Mommy and Daddy had fun in between calls to Grammy and wound up walking out of the casino with more money then they took in!
On Saturday Grammy took me to Spirit Mountain to meet up with the folks and then we headed over to the coast. We stopped in Lincoln City where we went to the Outlet stores. Mommy took advantage of Van Heusen and Old Navy while Daddy went wild inside Nike. I slept through the whole thing and I think that gives Daddy false hope that I won't be into shopping when I grow up.

After Lincoln City we went up the coast to Pacific City to play in the sun. It was really nice on the coast, but it was super busy! Obviously nice days on the coast are usually busy, but it was crazy busy on Saturday due to Pacific City being the finish line for a big bike race that started at Mt. Hood. We managed to find a flat spot of sand and spent a couple hours enjoying the sun and surf. Daddy dipped my toes in the ocean and it was COLD!!! I didn't like that too much!

Once we were done in Lincoln City we wound our way up the coast to Rockaway where my Great Uncle Ken has a house. We ate dinner at a really bad restaurant (Blue Water or something) with horrible service and half their menu not available. They gave us the wrong orders too. If we weren't so hungry we would have got up and left. After we left there we went to the house and relaxed. M&D did a crossword puzzle while I slept and/or fussed. Everyone eventually got ready for bed and I managed to sleep pretty well through the night, but Daddy and I slept in another room so Mommy could get as much sleep as possible.

Relaxing at the house in Rockaway...
On Sunday morning we got up for a very nice walk up and down the beach. The sun wasn't out yet so it was a bit chilly. Thankfully the wind hadn't picked up yet and it was a pretty nice walk. We got back to the house to pack up and go out for breakfast. We wanted to eat at this place called "Morning Glory" but they basically turned us away when we got there. It was 11:15, but they said that they were only going to fulfill the orders they had currently taken and then switch to lunch, even though they said they serve breakfast until noon. So we left and found some hole in the wall smokehouse and we bought some seafood chowder, smoked salmon and smoked sausage. We went back to the house and had our lunch before we left. So much for the restaurants in Rockaway!!! I think Daddy might have left a poopy diaper behind at both places!
After we left Rockaway we went north to Cannon Beach where we walked around, bought some saltwater taffy and fed me lunch. We spent a couple hours there relaxing and strolling around before we headed home for a birthday gathering of a bunch of Grammy's and Mommy's friends. They call themselves "The Girls" and they have been friends for a long time. They were excited to meet me as they have watched Mommy grow up through the years. A few of them have birthdays around each other so we all got together for some dinner to celebrate. I was kind of fussy and warm, but it was fun.

Us at Cannon Beach
Then last night I decided to let everyone know how overstimulated I was. I freaked out and had a huge crying tantrum that lasted a good hour. M&D were beside themselves and were on the verge of tears themselves! I was given a prescription for some Prilosec on Friday to help alleviate some of my gas, but I think it might not be working. I have been passing a lot of gas - I know it isn't very lady like. I am not sure if this caused the fussiness or if I was just plain worn out from such a long, busy weekend but I sure gave M&D a few gray hairs last night! Thankfully I managed to sleep between feedings once I fell asleep.

Put up your dukes! I am tired of all this activity!
Whew! What a long weekend! I am looking forward to relaxing a bit this week. Next week we are heading up to Seattle for Daddy's work and then to Corvallis the week after for more of his work. Then we are all going to Chicago for Sarah's wedding and Mommy is going to be a bridesmaid. After that Mommy is going to Sunriver for a few days with friends while Daddy goes back to Seattle! YIKES! We have a BUSY month ahead of us, so I think I could use some relaxation commencement!!

Fussing? Who? Me?
Love you all!
Wow, what a busy life you lead young lady!! I am glad you had such a good time with Grammy and at the coast. I love the pictures.
I am sorry to hear you had a rough night when you got home though.
Have a great week and keep us posted on your adventures.
Love you,
Auntie Shannon
I'm tired just reading about your trip. Sounds like you all had fun (except for the restaurant experiences!) And, how fun for mommy and daddy to come out winners at the casino! Course they won big time with you!!!
Hope you have had a chance to recover from your trip and are now feeling better, little one. Tell your mommy and daddy to take it easy on you!!!
Love all the pic's, too!!!
Love you all!!
Gma Jan and Gpa Ray
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