Here is a picture that we took to show how he couldn't even paint a straight line. Also you can see the new color we have chosen for the house. It is called "Thatch Brown." We are actually quite happy with the color. And, in the end things are going to work out just fine, as they always do. Our awesome friend, Michael, is going to paint our house for a very reasonable price, and we feel good about it since he and his family are saving to adopt a child (or children) from Ethiopia.
This morning we went to the zoo to take advantage of $2 Tuesday. We met our friends Becca and Jack. We had a great time. We started out seeing the animals of the Pacific northwest, then went to the sea animals, and ended with a live bird show with eagles and hawks flying right over us! Unfortunately Maddie got tired then and let it be known that she was ready to go. NOW! But it was good timing as the zoo gets crazy busy on $2 Tuesday. That is why we go right when the open and leave before it gets too crowded.
If I may indulge in a little brag session...Maddie's verbal comprehension skills are taking off!
Today I was trying to entertain Maddie while we were getting ready for the zoo. I was going through all the animals and the noises they make. Right after I did cow, she went into the living room, grabbed her stuffed cow, and brought it to me to make it moo. Smart girl! She also can differentiate between three choices now. I held up three stuffed animals and asked her which one was baby. She picked up the baby and began rocking it. Oh yeah, she has also learned how to hiss like a snake. So cute! AND, she knows where her eyes, ears, head/hair, nose, mouth and belly button are. If you ask her where her belly button is she will lift up her shirt and point!!
One other fun thing you might enjoy. Click here for a link to my friend Sarah's blog. She has a posting dedicated to the BBQ that we hosted for their family last weekend. She captured some great moments!
So sorry to hear about the contractor from hell. I'm glad $2 Tuesday has been success for you. Can't wait to see the new house color!
Glad to hear the painting is getting done by a friend. What a hassle!!! Once Jackson is out of school let's do OMSI.
Looks like you should have just turned Maddie loose with a paintbrush...... :)
I miss you all and hope to see you soon!!
Hi Megan. I thought I'd let you know I stopped by. I hope that's okay. It's so fun to learn more about your cute family and about your beautiful little girl. She's so sweet!
I'm sorry to hear about the lousy contractor, but I'm glad it's working out in spite of it all.
Good luck and thanks for allowing me a peek on where you're at and what you're up to.
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