It started off exactly two weeks ago today with a cough and runny nose. At that point she still had energy and it just seemed like a mild cold. Then on Monday of the three day weekend, she developed a fever before bed. When she woke in the morning on Tuesday it had jumped to 102 degrees. I called the nurse and they advised me as long as she wasn't dehydrated to wait it out at home. So all day Tuesday she had a fever and I held her all day long and she took like 6 naps on my chest. Poor thing was burning up and had no energy. That night the fever got up to 104 at one point and they still weren't concerned when I called back again. The next morning the fever was still there and she also was super fussy and seemed uncomfortable like she was in pain. So I made an appt for 10:40 that morning. Wouldn't you know it by about 9:30 her fever broke and when we saw the doctor she was fine. No fever, no ear infection, no nothing. She screamed the whole time the doctor was examining her though and I was feeling like taking her in was a mistake. Then on Thursday her first molar made a tiny bump above the gum line on her lower left side. On Friday the fever came back (but only at 100.8) for another 24 hours. I called the doctor again on Saturday morning and they still weren't concerned.
The fever is now gone, the cough and runny nose are still lingering, and the bottom right molar is also making an appearance. So my best guess is that she is teething and also caught a little virus at the same time. Nothing serious, but enough to make her very uncomfortable and fussy. So we have been giving her lots of extra TLC, especially in the middle of the night when she has been waking up, and a fair amount of Tylenol and Motrin for the pain. I hope we are on the mend. I want to see her feeling 100% soon.
In the mean time, with the exception of the days she had the high fever, we have been getting in a lot of fun play time. Here are some pictures:
As if we don't have enough going on right now, we are getting our house and patio awning painted. We are so looking forward to getting rid of the ugly dark trim! We have also been busy in the yard, so we are ready for backyard BBQs this summer!
My porr Maddie moo......Auntid Dian is glad you are feeling better. We tried to see you over Memorial weekend. Your sickness is probably why we reached no one. We love and miss you bunches!
Auntie Dian needs to get her eyes checked...sorry for the typos!
Glad everyone is feeling better. She looks so grown up in the first crib picture. What a nice break for you to be able to get ready in the mornings. Summer's almost here...we'll have to make play date plans!
Hi Maddie,
I just got off the phone with your mom and she said your are feeling much better today and that your tooth has come in and is not causing you as much trouble. Yea!
I am glad you had so much fun at the beach. We are hoping for a beach trip later in the summer with you and your mom and dad. We can't wait.
I really liked your matching outfit with the purse. You already know how to accessorize!! You look like a natural on your cell phone, can't wait until you are calling your grandpa.
I got to see Laney today and her mom has been checking out your blog. I hope you guys get to meet some day. They are very cute too!
I am looking forward to seeing you soon so we chat. I like it when you talk to me on the phone. Have a good day and nice visit with Robyn.
Grandpa Randy
Maddie is so cute in these photos! She looks so big! I hope she feels better soon! Kennedy was cutting 3 of her molars when we flew to Maui! Yikes! But luckily she did GREAT! (whew!) teething is no fun!
Hi Maddie,
Glad you are over your cold. Give me a call on your cell and we can make plans for seeing you this week
Love, Grandpa randy
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