Check me out with all my new moves now that I am 8 months old!

Daddy is teaching me to put my arms up and say "yay" for a touchdown.

It's official...I can crawl now as of 11/8/08! The tongue helps me crawl better!
I can also pull myself to a standing position. And yes, everything still goes in my mouth!
This is me getting into everything!!!!! I pull everything off the shelf and
Mommy & Daddy pick it back up. It's a fun game!
I wonder if that is why they bought me this fence??

I wonder if that is why they bought me this fence??
M & D are having a debate over my first word. When we were in Palm Springs out for Mommy's birthday dinner, Daddy took a piece of silverware from me that I had grabbed. I looked at him and said "fdjaiofewjiowjfeioa" which roughly translated to "That was mine!" Then I said something that Daddy swears was "Daddy." Mommy says it may have sounded like Daddy, but was really just babble. Plus she doesn't think I would say "Daddy" for my first word on HER birthday. So, no words have gone down in the baby book yet.
No words in this video clip, but you can get the gist of what I am saying....YUMMY!!!
I think Grammy Pat needs to chime in here. Megan has the first part of the story right, but she definitely ended her phrase with Daddy and she was looking at me. I am convinced she said it on purpose. It is too bad it happened on Megan's birthday, but I am convinced she said Daddy. :)
Maddie's Daddy Tony
that's lip smackin' good! ;)
no worries on saying daddy first both of my kids said "dadda" first! *sigh*
cya tomorrow night! =)
Thanks for a great time last night, Maddie Girl! You are so much fun! See you tonight.
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