Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Houdini Child
Our daughter has magical powers.....True story....I was sitting on the couch holding Maddie last night. Tony had fed her, changed her, and put her in jammies. We were just getting in one last cuddle before bed. All of the sudden I felt a warm, wet feeling on my legs. I handed Maddie to Tony and looked down and she had peed over my entire lap! I chided Tony, assuming he had not securely fastened her diaper. So, he went in to change her again, while I cleaned myself off. As it turns out, the diaper was on securely, and was completely dry. So, somehow our talented daugher soaked me, (thankfully getting it all in my lap and none on the couch) without getting any on her except one tiny wet spot on her jammies. I think Tony was beginning to wonder if maybe I was the one who had an accident.
I usually like to encourage Maddie to develop her skills, but maybe not this one. Oh, this is what being a Mommy is all about! This was not the first time nor the last that she will get me, and I couldn't love her any more!
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On a side note, Maddie slept for 8 straight hours last night!!! I am dancing for joy and praying it continues. This will go down in her baby book. Yay!!
Monday, July 28, 2008
On the go go

On Friday Mommy took me to her company picnic which was Luau theme. All the people from her office were excited to see me and how much I have grown.

On Saturday night M & D and I went to the "Milwaukie Daze" which was a live music festival and fireworks on the riverfront. I loved people watching and listening to the music. M & D were prepared to leave if the fireworks scared me, but I slept right through them!

Last night I slept from 10 PM until 5 AM---7 hours! That is my longest stretch of sleep ever. M & D really hope we are on a new trend. Maybe I slept so well because I knew I was being watched. Daddy installed a baby monitor over my crib that has audio and video!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Big Girl!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Smell the roses
Thank you to Grammy, Aunt Kris, and Great Grandma Connie for my roses! Thank you to Daddy for planting them.

The first rose bush has lots of blooms!

The second bush does not have as many blooms. Oops, are you not supposed to pull the petals off?
4 months

See the snow that we had to hike through. It was my first snow!!

On Monday I had my four month check up at the doctor's office. It was so nice to get a clean bill of health! All of my metabolic tests are now normal, and my follow up kidney ultrasound was also normal. Therefore, it seems like all the bad stuff that happened when I was first born is now over! I am just a normal, healthy 4 month old baby. I got an A+ from the doctor in terms of meeting all my developmental milestones. I gave her quite the show--smiling, talking and laughing with her. Unfortunately, though, I did have to get my 4 month vaccinations and that made me cry!
Fun on the 4th

When should my hair come in???
Uncle J came to visit me and brought me a new outfit from the concert festival he went to in San Francisco. I liked it so much look at how I drooled all over it! Also see my new trick is eating my fingers...sometimes I can fit my whole fist in my mouth!

We hope everyone had a great 4th of July as well!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Now I get to learn how to sleep longer than 2 hours and go without eating every 3 hours. I am going to learn to eat bigger meals less often. I also get to start sleeping in my very own crib rather than in the bassinet next to M&D's bed. We are so happy to hear the news!
It is very interesting we got the news today - July 3. July 3 was "Peanut's" due date last year. It was a very sad time for M&D last year when this day rolled around. However, it might not have been all sad because according to the calendar and calculations I was likely conceived on or around July 3. As they say, the Lord works in mysterious ways and July 3 has a lot of emotions connected to it for our family from now on!
Thank you to all of our friends, family members and co-workers for their prayers, thoughts and well-wishes. We are excited to "move on" and see how life goes without this hanging over our heads.
Have a great weekend.
PS - There is a post below that is new as well.
Catching Up
Last weekend was another busy weekend. We spent Saturday at "Noah's Quest", which is annual walk/run for "Brief Encounters". Brief Encounters is an organization that works with families who have lost a child through miscarriage, still birth, early childhood loss, etc. We have been part of that organization since last January when we lost my big sibling "Peanut". I was able to join M&D this year to walk in remembrance of Peanut. It was a SUPER HOT day, but I managed to do just fine.