Other big girl activities that I have been doing are play dates. Here is a picture of me with my friends Saffron and Aoife. They were both born in March as well. It was fun to get together. We did some baby yoga!

Here is me and Daddy with Nate and Ruby. Ruby is one month younger than me, but she is taller! We had a BBQ at their house on Saturday.

It is good for both me and Mommy that we are able to get out more and visit with other friends and Mommies. Last week Mommy and I walked all the way to the library in downtown Milwaukie and listened to a noontime concert in the amphitheater. I like the blues! And, on Monday we will start "Baby Booktime" at the library. What a busy social calendar!
I am outgrowing some of my baby items too--Mommy just put away all my 0-3 months clothes. I also no longer use my bassinet or my bouncy seat. I am fully sleeping all naps and bedtime in the crib. My new favorite toy is the exersaucer, or anything else that lets me sit up and look at the world. Mommy says I am growing up fast!
Maddie looks so cute sitting up there! Like, look at me! Look at me! Haha! Time does go by too quick!
Happy Monday Morning, Sweet Maddie-cake,
You look very big-girlin your high chair, and very very much like your pretty mama at the same age. Grammy could have a tear, too.
It was fun playing with you this weekend and I can't wait til you come down to see me this week. Remember to bring all your chairs and toys and stuff!
I'm very glad that you and Mommy are going to the library today and I will be waiting to hear how that goes. You come from two families of big readers, you know, and I can already tell how much you like it when Grammy recites rhymes for you. Grammy has some more books to share with you when you get a little bigger.
Have a stupendous day!
Hugs and kisses,
Wow...I can't believe she's in a high chair and the exersaucer. We're sooo jealous!
Have a great time at the library. See if you can sign Maddie up for the summer reading program. They give away books as prizes!
WOW what a big girl you are getting to be. I can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks....
Love you bunches,
Auntie Shannon
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