Last weekend was another busy weekend. We spent Saturday at "Noah's Quest", which is annual walk/run for "Brief Encounters". Brief Encounters is an organization that works with families who have lost a child through miscarriage, still birth, early childhood loss, etc. We have been part of that organization since last January when we lost my big sibling "Peanut". I was able to join M&D this year to walk in remembrance of Peanut. It was a SUPER HOT day, but I managed to do just fine.
I have been growing up so much and getting more and more active. Mommy has gotten a lot of my toys out of the box and I am learning to play by myself a lot more. Daddy got super adventurous and put me in my exercauser (or however you spell that) and I actually liked it. I could hold my head up pretty well even if I couldn't spin around.
On Sunday we went to a BBQ with all of the families from our prenatal birthing classes. This was the second time we all got together. There was a bit of a thunderstorm, but the food and camaraderie were good. Unfortunately we didn't take any pictures, so you will have to take my word for it that we are the cutest quartet of babies ever.
On Monday Mommy and I went to The Dalles to see O'Pa and O'Ma with my cousins Emma and Ethan and Mommy's cousin Erica. We got to spend a lot of time with them and some of my other cousins. We had a really nice time and I took a long nap in O'Pa's arms!
Last night our friends the Murray's came though town and visited us while they were driving to Eugene for the Olympic Trials. M&D hadn't seen them since their wedding two years ago! The kids have grown up really fast and tall! Mommy used to babysit Carson and Alexa when she was in college. It was really fun meeting them!

This weekend is the 4th of July obviously. We are looking forward to a BBQ at a friends house and some relaxation. Grammy is on her way up tonight to watch me while M&D have a date night. It will be girls night in while the parents are out on the town (until 8:30 or so when they get exhausted and come home).
We hope everyone has a great 4th of July!
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