We had a fun family day on the 4th of July. Grammy was in town still (she watched me overnight for M & D's date night!) for breakfast and then she left for The Dalles. We spent the afternoon and evening at our friend Becca, Dan and Jack's house. They had a yummy BBQ, we played board games (boy are M & D competitive!), and we watched fireworks. I liked some of the earlier fireworks ok, but by the time that the whole neighborhood were lighting off fireworks all around, I got scared and started to cry. So, M & D took me home. It was cool though because we drove over the bridge as the Portland fireworks were going off!

When should my hair come in???
The rest of the weekend we pretty much did nothing but relaaaaxxxx! We rented some movies and spent many hours in our pajamas. It was good bonding time.
Since we got the good news of my test results, I have been working on sleeping through the night. Sometimes I make it 6 hours, but sometimes only 3-4. It just depends on my mood. But, I am trying to get into a schedule of sleeping more at night and having more routine naps during the day. Also, I have completely outgrown my bassinet, so I made the move into my own room in my big-girl crib to sleep for naps and bedtime.
Uncle J came to visit me and brought me a new outfit from the concert festival he went to in San Francisco. I liked it so much look at how I drooled all over it! Also see my new trick is eating my fingers...sometimes I can fit my whole fist in my mouth!

We hope everyone had a great 4th of July as well!
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