Happy 6 Month Birthday to Me!!!
Height: 2 feet 3.5 inches (96%)
Weight: 17 lbs 12 oz (81%)
Head Circumference: 17 and three quarter inches (97%--lots of room for my big brain!!)
The doctor said that I have not "settled in to a place on the growth chart yet." I am growing by leaps and bounds...must be all that yummy food that Mommy makes for me. Also I got the go ahead to begin more veggies and even fruits!!!
Basically I am meeting all my developmental milestones and the doctor is quite pleased with my progress. I showed off by babbling to her, sitting up, tearing up the exam table paper, and trying to steal her stethoscope.
My teeth were a big topic of today's visit. Mommy is somewhat embarrassed as she was counting me as having four teeth so far. Well, it turns out that my top two teeth are actually "Epstein pearls" which are benign cysts and will eventually disappear. In all her years working with kids, Mommy never knew such a thing existed. So, I guess I am a conformist after all. I started with my bottom two teeth like normal. Better update my baby book!!!
Wow...6 months already!! I can't believe what a big girl you are getting to be. I can't wait to see you again. Maybe one of these Saturdays if you are at Gma Jan's before a Duck game I will have to run up and give you some lovin'....Tell Mommy & Daddy "hi" from me....
I love you,
Auntie Shannon
HAPPY 6month BIRTHDAY! You look SO big in your pictures. We can't wait to see you sit up and eat fruit. Wait until you try fresh peaches, they are THE BEST!
Love you!
Robyn and Jackson
It just seemed like yesterday that you were only six weeks. You are getting "sooooo big" already! Happy sweet six months Madekins! Your Birthday outfit is very cute but with that smile of yours you could beautiful in anything. I knew you were going to be a good eater so chow down on those fruits and veggies. Your mom worked hard to can and she will be so pleased to see you munching on them, playing with them, making messes with them and bascially having a swell time. Hope to see you soon. Root those Ducks on. Love, Grampa Randy.
happy half birthday! =)
those are some good stats!
K had one of those lil cysts thingies too. (no worries i didn't know what it was either!)
Happy 1/2 birthday!
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