A: Go Ducks!!!
As you may have already guessed, this Saturday was the opening Oregon Duck Football game. Of course Mommy and Daddy took me to my first game to experience the wonderful world of football....also to show me off to all their friends at the tailgate party:) It was an evening game, so it was a little cool for my onesie and bootie outfit, but boy did I look cool. As always, M&D were nervous how I would respond, but I was a very good girl!! Mommy held me in the front pack during the entire game, and our friends helped out with pacifier and spit up duty. I ate my dinner during halftime, and apparently the noise didn't bother me too much, because, I actually slept through the entire second half. Maybe it was the cotton balls and the head band covering my ears that drowned out the noise. I missed the Ducks winning by 44-10!!!! Oh well, maybe I will stay awake through next week's game. Daddy says that the defense is looking really good, and even though the starting q.b went down after the first half with a concussion, that the offense looks good too! Phew, I am glad because I would hate to hear Daddy say a swear word during the football game!
I'm tempted to dress Aoife as a Beaver just to aim to rival Maddie's cuteness! Aoife does have an Illini (University of Illinois) outfit as well as outfits for the Chicago Bears & Cubs. Oh yeah and a University of Portland Pilots bib!
Maddie darling, as usual, you take beautiful pictures, just like your mommy & daddy! Too bad I can't say the same for your Granny Jan : ) !! Oh well, this is all about you and you are absolutely beautiful, sweet and so much fun to be around. Grandpa and I so enjoyed having all of you here this last weekend. We are already talking about being able to go camping with all of you next year. We are going to be on the lookout for the cutest little fishing pole for you so you'll be ready to catch your first fish. We love you so much, Maddie dear.
Gma Jan and Gpa Ray
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