4 Jazzercise work outs....Go Mommy....lose that baby weight!
4 play dates....dinner with the Oakleys, dinner with the Hannas, lunch at the O'Connells, and birdwatching with the Budds
1 doctor's visit...check out the posting with my 6 month stats!
1 trip to Costco
1 pharmacy visit
1 birthday lunch for Grammy
1 trip to The Dalles to visit O'Pa and O'Ma
1 trip to Eugene for the Duck game--a disappointing loss to Boise state. Also probably Maddie's last game for this season at least
1 sleepless night due to teething..can you say Tylenol at 2 AM...it's hard to open the cap and not spill when you are that groggy
3 loads of laundry
36 bottles made and hand washed
and 2 new foods introduced (carrots and sweet potatos)!!
Is it any wonder that we are exhausted at the end of the day?
We don't have that many pictures because it is tough for Mommy to hold me and take pictures at the same time. Plus the camera bag is one more thing for her to carry. We (by "we" I mean Mommy) tend to over pack just a wee bit when we go on outings!
One thing we did get a picture of is the spectacle of the swift birds swirling into the chimney at Chapman Elementary School. We had never heard of it before, but our friends, the Budd Family invited us to come for bird watching and a picnic dinner. Basically from late August to early October each year, this chimney is part of the birds' migration path. They all fly in at dusk and "go to bed" in the chimney. At the peak there are 10,000 or so birds. Some nights (but not the night we went) the hawks will swoop in and try to get some swifts for dinner. There are so many birds that you can hardly make out any individual bird and so it kind of looks like a swirl of smoke, or as Mommy said, it reminded her of water swirling down a toilet bowl. What a poet!
Read here for more information about the swift migration and a new documentary by the Audobon Society. It's not too late, you can still go and see the birds for yourself!
Wow when you list everything out, you sound like the Energizer Bunny! I heard about the swift birds when we first moved here, but we've never seen 'em.
Hi Maddie,
You were quite the hit at Milo's resturant last night. It was bridge night for mommy and grandpa randy. You daddy came so you and I could visit before you went home to spend the night with your dad. We all enjoyed very nice dinners while you finished off your bottle. You were a bit hit with our water and your flirted with people walking about our window seat at Milo's. When dinner was over we made the table a play area for you and had a good time sucking on the napkins, pulling on my bearrd and playing with one of your toys. Your mom and dad and I even managed to get in some grown up talk, like your dad starting school, how the Ducks were doing and mom's friend Megan trip to Portland to visit. Just another fun day with my granddaughter. I can't wait for my opportunities to spoil you. Your mom and I were a little rusty at bridge. She has not played much recently, she has been busy you know learning the ropes of being a mom, but we did pretty good and beat the Avery's on the last hand of the night. Be on your best behavior when Megan visits and make sure your mom and dad get plenty of sleep. Grandpa Randy
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